Next weekend, Marina & Bernardo head up north to the beautiful green mountains of Vermont for two shows! The first is the Vermont Music Fest on August 8, held on the rolling farmland of Lareau Farm in Waitsfield, VT. Featuring original acts from across New England on two stages, as well as games, art, and locally-sourced food and drink, this festival promises to be a full day of fun for the whole family. Click here to visit their website and learn more.
Next up is an intimate house concert in nearby Morrisville, just outside of Stowe, VT, on August 9. “Weather permitting, we’ll play outside on the hillside, surrounded by those rolling hills,” Marina says. “We’re excited to go from a festival stage to the intimacy of a house concert the next day, and hope you’ll join us!” If you’re in the area and would like to join in the fun, send Marina an email for more details.