Tag: music

  • Music for the holidays!

    It’s time to admit it: the holidays are upon us. Although the media may have us believe otherwise, a unique and thoughtful gift does not, in fact, have to be made in China and bought at a superstore. Can you believe it?! Give the gift of music! For the listener: It just so happens that…

  • iPads in the sky: do fan videos help or hurt?

                  From the stage, last week’s gig at Jazz Club Firenze appeared dark, mysterious, and candlelit. But from the audience, there might have been more than one smartphone or tablet a-glowing. Now I, for one, am flattered that people want to take a piece of my performance home with…

  • vinyl on the upswing

    In honor of the resurrection of my turntable, I would like to start off by reporting that last year in the U.K., not only did digital sales rise 27% – sales of vinyl LPs rose an astonishing 44% (!) according to British Recorded Music Industry group BPI. And in the U.S.? Billboard’s 2012 Music Industry…

  • the future of music

    Last week, I was relieved to skip over bitter political reporting in the news and instead learn about the Future of Music Coalition (FMC), a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering a diverse musical culture, compensating artists fairly, and satisfying music consumers in the digital age. FMC tackles a broad spectrum of issues that are crucial…